Different Ways to Say Goodbye in English (Dire au revoir en anglais)

Dire au revoir est une partie importante de nos interactions quotidiennes avec les amis, la famille et les connaissances. Bien que "au revoir" soit une façon courante de dire au revoir, il peut être agréable de varier de temps en temps nos formules de politesse. Dans cet article, nous explorerons différentes façons de dire au revoir en anglais, allant des formules courantes aux alternatives créatives en passant par les salutations plus personnelles.

Common Ways to Say Goodbye

Goodbye is a simple word that we use every day to bid farewell to friends, family, and acquaintances. However, sometimes we may want to switch up our usual "goodbye" and use a different phrase to add some variety to our conversations. Here are some common ways to say goodbye in English:

  • Goodbye
  • Farewell – This is a more formal way of saying goodbye and is typically used in formal or business settings.
  • Bye-bye – This is a friendly and informal way of saying goodbye, often used with children or close friends.
  • So long – This is a casual way of saying goodbye, often used when you expect to see the person again soon.
  • See you later – This is a casual way of saying goodbye, often used when you expect to see the person again soon. 
  • Catch you later – This is a casual way of saying goodbye, often used when you expect to see the person again soon.
  • Later
  • See you around

Creative Ways to Say Goodbye

In addition to the common ways to say goodbye, there are also many creative and interesting alternatives that can add some personality to your farewells. Here are some creative ways to say goodbye in English:

  • Adios  – This is a Spanish word meaning goodbye, often used in English as a casual farewell.
  • Auf Wiedersehen – This is a German word meaning goodbye, often used in English when saying farewell to someone until the next time you meet.
  • Ciao – This is an Italian word meaning goodbye, often used in English as a friendly farewell.
  • Sayonara – This is a Japanese word meaning goodbye, often used in English as a way to say farewell to someone.
  • Adieu – a French word meaning farewell, used when saying goodbye to someone for a long time or possibly forever.
  • Au revoir – another French word meaning goodbye, used to bid farewell to someone until the next time you meet.


Saying goodbye doesn't always have to be a simple farewell. Adding a personal touch can make a person feel valued and remembered. Here are some phrases and expressions to consider when saying goodbye in English:

  • Take care – This is a friendly way of saying goodbye and is often used to show concern for someone's well-being.
  • Have a great day – This is often used to wish someone a positive and productive day ahead.
  • Enjoy the rest of your day – This is used to encourage someone to have a positive and enjoyable remainder of their day.
  • Happy journey – This is often used to wish someone a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • Safe travels – This is often used to wish someone a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • Have a wonderful time  – This is often used to wish someone an enjoyable experience, whether it be for an event, trip, or other special occasion.

There are many ways to say goodbye in English. Whether you choose a common phrase, a creative one, or add a personal touch with a send-off, the important thing is to make the person feel appreciated and valued. So, next time you say farewell, try using one of these different ways to say goodbye in English.

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