Telling the Time in English (Indiquer l'heure en anglais)

Savoir dire l'heure en anglais est une compétence importante à avoir. Que vous soyez un étudiant, un voyageur ou simplement désireux de communiquer en anglais, connaître les différentes manières d'exprimer l'heure peut s'avérer utile. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les diverses façons de dire l'heure en anglais, en utilisant des expressions telles que "o'clock" et bien plus encore. Alors, préparez votre montre et apprêtez-vous à apprendre comment dire l'heure en anglais !

Knowing how to tell time in English is a useful skill to have, whether you are a student, traveler, or simply looking to improve your communication in a new language. In this article, we will explore the different ways to express time in English, including the use of o'clock, five past, ten past, quarter past, and more.


The most basic way to tell time in English is to use the expression "o'clock." For example, if it is 5:00 PM, you would say, "It's five o'clock." It's important to note that the word "o'clock" is written as two separate words and not one.

Five Past

To express time in five-minute increments past the hour, you can use the phrase "five past." For example, if it is 5:05 PM, you would say, "It's five past five."

Ten Past

To express time in ten-minute increments past the hour, you can use the phrase "ten past." For example, if it is 5:10 PM, you would say, "It's ten past five."

Quarter Past

To express time in fifteen-minute increments past the hour, you can use the expression "a quarter past." For example, if it is 5:15 PM, you would say, "It's a quarter past five."

Twenty Past

To express time in twenty-minute increments past the hour, you can use the phrase "twenty past." For example, if it is 5:20 PM, you would say, "It's twenty past five."

Twenty-Five Past

To express time in twenty-five-minute increments past the hour, you can use the phrase "twenty-five past." For example, if it is 5:25 PM, you would say, "It's twenty-five past five."

Half Past or "Thirty"

To express time in thirty-minute increments past the hour, you can use the phrase "half past" or simply "thirty." For example, if it is 5:30 PM, you would say, "It's half past five" or "It's five thirty."

Twenty-Five To

To express time in twenty-five-minute increments to the next hour, you can use the phrase "twenty-five to." For example, if it is 5:35 PM, you would say, "It's twenty-five to six."

Twenty To

To express time in twenty-minute increments to the next hour, you can use the phrase "twenty to." For example, if it is 5:40 PM, you would say, "It's twenty to six."

Quarter To

To express time in fifteen-minute increments to the next hour, you can use the expression "a quarter to." For example, if it is 5:45 PM, you would say, "It's a quarter to six."

Ten To

To express time in ten-minute increments to the next hour, you can use the phrase "ten to." For example, if it is 5:50 PM, you would say, "It's ten to six."

Five To

To express time in five-minute increments to the next hour, you can use the phrase "five to." For example, if it is 5:55 PM, you would say, "It's five to six."


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